Day one of the diary. As I mentioned in the last post I collected my car from the garage who've been doing a great but so far unsuccessful job of trying to find the source of my Volt problem.
I got home with 17 miles range remaining and plugged in to charge. A few hours later the car was showing 27 miles range at 10765 miles.
12 miles from home, parked with 22 miles range remaining. I only lost 5 miles from the estimate, but given that the garage have spent a week trying to run the battery down I'm not surprised if the range estimates take a while to settle down.
After 20 miles there are 4 miles estimated range remaining. Slightly less than the original estimate but nothing outside plausible variations in range. The battery finally reached 0 and switched over to petrol 4 miles later at 10789 miles so I got about 24 miles from the initial 27 miles estimate.
Conclusion: inconclusive results here, it looks to me as though the range tailed off rapidly from 17 to 10 miles remaining, but I wouldn't expect this to convince a skeptic.
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