Sunday, 29 September 2013

Sunday 29th September - disappearing range again

The morning range estimate is 43 miles. After 12 miles the total used plus remaining is 45 miles; after 24 miles the total is up to 50 miles; after 41.6 miles there are still 12 miles remaining, so an impressive 53 miles total seems on the cards. I wonder if part of the problem is the car underestimating the power used, but those 41 miles were mostly 30-50mph with few stops, and a comfortable 15-17C, and I have managed 51 miles before, so perhaps the estimate at this point  is believable.

Unfortunately, an hour and a half later the car hasn't moved, but 10 miles have disappeared from the range. Only 2 miles remaining.

I go out for a short drive, and after less than 1 mile, I'm on petrol. Total energy from a single charge seems to have been 8.5kWh. Total electric range just 42.3 miles.

That seems pretty conclusive to me. The software upgrade may have changed the behaviour slightly, but I still get unexpected PPR, and up to 10 miles of range disappearing while the car is parked. Next stop is to get the dealer to talk to Chevrolet again and see if they can get to the bottom of this.

Edit: overnight recharging took 11.6kWh which works out at  3.1kWh overhead. Online forums suggest that for a 10.5kWh charge around 12.5kWh to recharge would be normal. I find this very interesting because that suggests to me that the car used maybe 1kWh more power than displayed, but I also lost about 1kWh from the battery capacity.

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